PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

I realize most people post less around the holidays, but I'm bucking that trend by posting *more*. I blame it on brain damage from licking my paint brushes too much (as I am still hip-deep in a painting frenzy.)

In honor of young_egotist's birthday, the comic book fight that, uh, no one demanded: Anita Blake vs. Batman.

Now, again, I should be painting all this week, as the MegaBattle is this Saturday. However, I wager I'll be going stir crazy come this Thursday, which is conveniently enough club night at that new place. I don't plan on making any decisions until the last moment, but to help sway that decision, a poll:

Will you be clubbing this Thursday?

Tags: 2006, clubbing, comic books, gaming, not news

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  • huh

    "The problem for a terrorist group like Al Qaeda is that its recruitment pool is Muslims, but most Muslims are not interested in terrorism. Most…

  • today's good read

    "It’s Time for Black Liberation, Not Liberalism."

  • (no subject)

    What lead to the death of the enclosed mall as a concept?