OK. So, Bush is in Vietnam (write your own joke there) and one of his first statements, he says that the lesson America should learn from the Vietnam War is to 'stay the course for victory'? Seriously? I got a completely different lesson myself.
Michael Moore extends an olive branch to Republicans. Surprisingly good read.
* The Iraqi government wants to arrest a top Sunni cleric. I'm sure that will go over well.
* Dana Milbank on the Democratic infighting.
* House Republicans pick their minority leadership. These two might look familiar.
* Romney pushes for a vote on same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.
* Is the computer industry facing a shortage of skilled workers?
* Heh. New audiobook version of the Bible features Samuel L. Jackson as the voice of God.
* How about an opera version of the O'Reilly sexual harassment testimony?
"Heart disease still the most likely reason you'll die."
Things that rule: giant boring machines digging subway tunnels.