* Previously: "I want you to want to save my life."
* Ah, Kate-tastic. Wedding veil. ZOMG IT'S MAL.
* Heh, throwing rocks. "I know how to get a damn fish biscuit."
Ben: Well, Jack, I'm very disappointed in your decision.
Jack: Well, Ben, at least you won't have to be disappointed for very long.
* 12 hours to wedding. "I love you, Monica."
* Way to talk them out of Sawyer's day off, Kate.
* Locke and the cross. "We're going to bury him here."
* "I don't really have a name for it."
* "I believe Eko died for a reason, I just don't know what it is."
* COMPOUND BREACH. And it's Alex, with a frikkin' slingshot! Awesome. "Whatever they say, don't believe them!"
* Nice dress!
* Huh, she actually got married.
* I'm digging the Jack/Kate reunion, separated by the glass.
* And, it's
* Oh, hello Marshal Ed. "Does he know who you are?"
* Aw, funeral.
* "Because I wanted you to believe we had a damn chance." -Sawyer
* Dude, Ben's totally watching your hot cage sex.
* Happy homemaker? Huh. Oceanic honeymoon tickets! To, uh Costa Rica?
* Intercom! (Was that morse code?) Monitor room, and... guns?
* "If it helps, I was surprised too." -Ben
* Heh, they'll get you off this island, sure...
* Pregnancy test? Yep, looks like Widmore. "Taco night? I don't do taco night!"
* And, surgery.
* "Whatever happens, everything will be very different, won't it?" -Ben
* Took Alex "home." And they don't know where she is. Huh. And Ben wants to know if she asked about him. Hmmmmmmm...
* Sawyer wasn't even on the list!
* "Can you hear me in there?" -Jack
* Eek!
* Wow. Ben must be valuable to them.
* "When you get safe, you radio me and tell me that story." -Jack
So, uh, countdown to February 7th, anyone?