Q&A on the matter of the administration, torture, and the Geneva Conventions. Dan Froomkin covers the reaction to Bush's news conference on Friday, a good overview of the issue.
Five years later, and no news on the anthrax attacks.
Today's cartoon on that whole "evil and inhuman" thing. The runner-up features Bush's opposition.
* Hungary goes nuts after PM admits he lied.
* Bad news about our troop levels in Iraq, and a gloomy forecast in general. Also, a report from the ground with a CBS reporter.
* Face to face with Iranian president Ahmadinejad.
* Few black churches get funds for faith-based initiatives.
* Colleges of tomorrow: "What, then, might a world without early applications look like?"
* Walking shark? 52 new species found in the seas off Indonesia.
* Coming this December: the Hannibal Lecter prequel novel.
Well, we could just move the Mississippi.
Steele is avoiding mentioning the R-word. However, I am amused that he does, in fact, like puppies.
Jet Li says goodbye to martial arts movies.