PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

News like a pirate day. Yarr.

Welcome to America, 2006: "Canadian intelligence officials passed false warnings and bad information to American agents about a Muslim Canadian citizen, after which U.S. authorities secretly whisked him to Syria, where he was tortured." And courtesy asimplelife, more on the AP photographer who's been held by American forces for five months without charges.

Q&A on the matter of the administration, torture, and the Geneva Conventions. Dan Froomkin covers the reaction to Bush's news conference on Friday, a good overview of the issue.

Five years later, and no news on the anthrax attacks.

Today's cartoon on that whole "evil and inhuman" thing. The runner-up features Bush's opposition.

* Hungary goes nuts after PM admits he lied.
* Bad news about our troop levels in Iraq, and a gloomy forecast in general. Also, a report from the ground with a CBS reporter.
* Face to face with Iranian president Ahmadinejad.
* Few black churches get funds for faith-based initiatives.
* Colleges of tomorrow: "What, then, might a world without early applications look like?"
* Walking shark? 52 new species found in the seas off Indonesia.
* Coming this December: the Hannibal Lecter prequel novel.

Well, we could just move the Mississippi.

Steele is avoiding mentioning the R-word. However, I am amused that he does, in fact, like puppies.

Jet Li says goodbye to martial arts movies.
Tags: welcome to america

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