PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Thanks to the diligent work of a field operative, I have been informed the trailer for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie is now on the web. Now, before you go see it, I have to remind you how awesome the comic books are, and not to hold the trailer against them. I'm getting a very 'soundstage' vibe from this trailer, and while that worked for Mystery Men, it's scaring me here.

Tonight's entertainment included Joe Somebody (hey, Patrick Warburton is in it.) It's very Disney, and not in a good way. It's (almost) Jim Belushi's best work since K-9. Pass.

After that, Dragonheart. You'd think with a cast including Dina Meyer, Jason Isaacs, Pete Postlethwaite, David Thewlis (again!) and Brian Thompson (a.k.a. Eddie Fiori) there's no way this one could go wrong. Well, it can and it did. (Even *with* the director of XXX!)

Ah well. At least I can say I got a lot of the book club book read today...

oh, wait.

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