PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

news in quotes

"Murders, robberies and aggravated assaults in the United States increased last year, spurring an overall rise in violent crime for the first time since 2001, according to FBI data."

"Could President Bush be getting ready to declare victory in Iraq and get out?"

"An analogous question for economists is whether the United States is capable of evolving out of its present excessive indebtedness. Or could the global economic environment change so drastically as to threaten, if not extinction, then at least decline relative to smaller, more dynamic economies?"

"Archaeologists working on India's south-west coast believe they may have solved the mystery of the location of a major port which was key to trade between India and the Roman Empire - Muziris, in the modern-day state of Kerala."

No time for a real update today. Feel free to post links for me in comments below.

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