PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Behind the battle lines in Iraq.

The anatomy of gas gouging.

Over a third of hurricane evacuees are being told they no longer qualify for grants.

* How about abolishing FEMA?
* Supreme Court argues death by lethal injection.
* Detainee abuse claims never fully investigated.
* Republicans take money away from the war effort to spend on border enforcement.
* Administration continues to keep evidence from the families of the 9/11 victims.
* Archives works to re-declassify documents.
* Yesterday's LiveOnline transcript with Dan Froomkin.
* A Wikipedia edit leads to a political candidate resigning.
* Oh, and we're still not ready for a flu pandemic.
* If you don't want to get sued, don't spank your employees.
* Jason Lee to voice Underdog.

Anti-war grannies face trial.

Today's atheist cartoon, ripe for icon-ing, courtesy 21b2.

[UPDATE: two exciting links added in comments, 1047 ET.]
Tags: 2006, news

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