-Dan Froomkin
Dana Milbank on the immigration catfight. (Bonus: Scarlet Letter reference.) Poll finds Americans divided on the issue. And hey, what about NAFTA?
Heh. John Dean testifies in favor of Bush censure.
* Tough times ahead for the India nuclear deal.
* Another former DeLay aide pleads guilty.
* Federal judge critical of intelligence revamp.
* Yet more presidential fact checking. This one's a bit easy, though.
* Howard Kurtz on questions about Jill Carroll's captivity and release.
* Eugene Robinson can't enjoy the Republican meltdown.
* Ariana Huffington has a simple and effective lobbying reform suggestion.
* The bill for fixing the levees goes up and up.
* Republicans move to restrict 527 groups, and the FEC gets marching orders.
* One year later, the Schiavo controversy persists.
* Drones become increasingly important to modern warfare.
* This just in: science can't measure the religious.
Poll finds TV viewers don't want government regulation of content.
Courtesy Ocho: 87 bad predictions about the future.