PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

"Who in the White House knew about DITSUM No. 044-02 and when did they know it?"
-Rober Scheer (Good read.)

Must read: Dana Milbank on the oil executives' hearing yesterday before Congress.

Turns out a number of reports of American war crimes in Iraq simply aren't true.

Tina Brown on powerful women and the media.

* Judith Miller's fall as a cautionary tale. Plus, more from Howard Kurtz.
* Roadside bombs change the pace of the military in Iraq.
* World Opinion Roundup of Tony Blair's rebuke.
* Republicans look ahead to 2006.
* "Abramoff asked for $9 million in 2003 from the president of a West African nation to arrange a meeting with President Bush and directed his fees to a Maryland company now under federal scrutiny."
* Republicans drop Arctic drilling from House bill.
* Lloyd Garver on the English-only crowd.
* Amtrak president fired.
* The Medicare drug plan remains a mystery to seniors.
* Dover looks to put the evolution fight behind it.
* Would anyone watch a movie about the 2004 election in Ohio?
* Groovy telescope pic of the Mountains of Creation.
* The challenge of making apolitical war movies.
* Malaysian gamers get a curfew.

Why is the FCC so weak? And is it a bad thing?

One thing hard to find in China: a coffin.

How about a Holy Land theme park?

Military reveals their latest awesome weapon.

  • relevant to my interests

    "The Secret Douglas Adams RPG people have been playing for 15 years."

  • tactical

    "This actually fits with everything Obama has been doing lately: neither his legislative proposals nor his executive actions have been world shaking.…

  • huh

    "The problem for a terrorist group like Al Qaeda is that its recruitment pool is Muslims, but most Muslims are not interested in terrorism. Most…

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  • relevant to my interests

    "The Secret Douglas Adams RPG people have been playing for 15 years."

  • tactical

    "This actually fits with everything Obama has been doing lately: neither his legislative proposals nor his executive actions have been world shaking.…

  • huh

    "The problem for a terrorist group like Al Qaeda is that its recruitment pool is Muslims, but most Muslims are not interested in terrorism. Most…