As the 'intelligent design' case closes, looking at the plotting that lead up to it.
Controversial conservative quits the public broadcasting board, but they're not out of the woods yet.
Good questions for Alito (courtesy demigoth.)
* Patricia Williams exams the rights of the unborn.
* Finally, after much shenanigans, a judge selected in the DeLay case.
* Can the states afford Bush's flu plan?
* 'A producer gets access in D.C. after optioning the congressman's screenplay for $23,000.'
* Michael Kinsley on judicial activism and being 'too conservative.'
* House delays vote on prisoner abuse.
* More links between DeLay and Abramoff.
* Tom Tomorrow, on how the news works now.
* Appeals court shuts down DC's proposed commuter tax.
* David Broder on Alito as the defensive pick.
NASA wants more money to keep the space shuttle flying.