PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

So, got in a bit of CoH last night, and surprisingly big fun.

The surprising part wasn't that I found a good pick-up team. A lot of people have problems with this, I suppose I'm just lucky* there, as I know a lot of people who purposely avoid pick-up groups on MMORPGs. No, the surprise was the make-up of this pick-up group. The majority of the time, our team was as follows:

Two Defenders (neither of them Empathy)
Two Controllers
Two Blasters
A Peacebringer (who was sidekicked)
One brave Tank

We never had more close combat than the lone tank. There is no reason it should have worked out that well, but it did that and more. Good times, good times.

* - Or it's the fact that if people are screwing around, I just start telling people what to do, and they quickly see that yes, I vaguely know what I'm talking about. I call it the Cyclops school of leadership.

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