PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Work, way too busy for me to get all my internetting done! Gah!

Yesterday ended up being, finally, MirrorMask. Great movie, visual and beautiful. Go see it now. It's still at the E Street Landmark, and let me tell you, now that I know I can just go to the Metro Center stop, I'm totally using Metro to get there from now on, instead of paying one arm and one leg for parking.

Right, the movie. *Really* good. McKean's art permeates the whole film, the story is engrossing, well worth your time and money. One of the best films of the year so far.

New trailers:
* Ballets Russes - I'm not really up for a documentary on an old ballet company, but hey, someone might be.
* Good Night, and Good Luck. - I was only really interested in this before. Now I'm totally all over this. Next up on my viewing list.

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