PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Last night, on Lost...

This will totally come back to haunt him later.

OK, I totally left my notes at home, because I totally suck, so this is from memory (and thusly, crappy.) And not in order.

* Digging out the bullet with his bare hands AUGH
* Hee, squeaky shoes.
* Did that shark have a logo on it?
* Kate, wolfing down that candy bar might seem like a good idea, but you're gonna have a helluva stomachache later.
* The Michael flashback scenes were pretty heartbreaking. I mean, no excuse for Michael being a Total Jerk Otherwise, but still.
* So, was Desmond shooting at Kate specifically, or just firing a random warning shot?
* Did Desmond ask if the outside world was still there?
* I'm honestly not sure of Locke is really smart or really dumb about all this.
* Hey Michael, nice stuffed POLAR BEAR there.
* I totally need a copy of that song, it rules.
* So, uh, why did Walt's mom keep all the letters hidden then?
* I was seriously concerned we wouldn't see Jin again.
* Next week: that chick from Resident Evil. OR IS IT?

"Are you him?"

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