PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

movie schtuff

From over the weekend: The Constant Gardener was good. Really good. Possibly one of the bet movies I've seen this year. Meirelles (possibly my favorite new director) does an excellent job (though he does like the shakey cam.) I think in this movie he did an even better job of intertwining the main plot and characters with the background and setting than he did with City of God. Go see it on the big screen.

New trailers. All good directors.:
* The Ice Harvest - John Cusack *and* Oliver Platt, directed by Harold Ramis? Sign me up.
* North Country - I might see it, despite Woddy Harrelson as the crusading lawyer. Decent cast otherwise.
* Jarhead - Life and death in the first Gulf War. Good cast. Maybe.
* Brokeback Mountain - wide release for the gay cowboy movie, keen.

Emmy comments I missed:
* Lost totally earned its award for Drama Casting. Also, for Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Dramatic Underscore.)
* Deadwood totally earned their award for... Outstanding Hairstyling?
* Congrats to Clone Wars for taking Outstanding Animated Program.
* Penn and Teller's Bullshit was *completely* robbed for Outstanding Reality Program.
* Congrats to Danny Elfman for Outstanding Main Title Theme Music for desperate Housewives, but honestly, I will pretend that it only won because the vote was split between Justice League and Stargate: Atlantis.

Looking forward to the big fall movies.

While we're here, Robin Laws on some film festival offerings.

"We're trying to reinvent Bond. He's 28: no Q, no gadgets."

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