PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

"A file folder containing papers from Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr.'s work on affirmative action more than 20 years ago disappeared from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library after its review by two lawyers from the White House and the Justice Department in July."

Brooklyn prison refuses to turn over video tapes of 9/11 detainees.

One homogeneous nation, a big store wasteland. (Courtesy Callico.)

* IRaq as a nation of blood and ink.
* An Iraqi doctor talks about the psychological aftermath of war.
* What next for the Israeli settlers movement?
* David Ignatius on what Bush is doing right and doing wrong
* Drug cartels turn to meth.
* Deborah Ellis with good questions for Roberts.
* Cameroon turns to a beer bottle-based currency.
* Tom Tomorrow employs Occam's sledgehammer.
* .xxx domain delayed again.
* China hopes to reach the moon by 2007.
* Strange fossil defies classification.
* Is there a cure for humans in crocodile blood?
* Math tops the list of unpopular school subjects.
* Pierce Brosnan will not return as James Bond.
* Walken in 2008 makes more news.

Muvico as the future of movie theaters.'s ten fall movies they ca't wait to see.
(Velvet, check #8.)

Looking to solve a porcupine infestation, Kenyans considers... eating them?

Finally, possibly the finest comic book cover *ever*.

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