Brooklyn prison refuses to turn over video tapes of 9/11 detainees.
One homogeneous nation, a big store wasteland. (Courtesy Callico.)
* IRaq as a nation of blood and ink.
* An Iraqi doctor talks about the psychological aftermath of war.
* What next for the Israeli settlers movement?
* David Ignatius on what Bush is doing right and doing wrong
* Drug cartels turn to meth.
* Deborah Ellis with good questions for Roberts.
* Cameroon turns to a beer bottle-based currency.
* Tom Tomorrow employs Occam's sledgehammer.
* .xxx domain delayed again.
* China hopes to reach the moon by 2007.
* Strange fossil defies classification.
* Is there a cure for humans in crocodile blood?
* Math tops the list of unpopular school subjects.
* Pierce Brosnan will not return as James Bond.
* Walken in 2008 makes more news.
Muvico as the future of movie theaters.'s ten fall movies they ca't wait to see.
(Velvet, check #8.)
Looking to solve a porcupine infestation, Kenyans considers... eating them?
Finally, possibly the finest comic book cover *ever*.