-The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
Irony is finding the above quote in the book I am under (presumed) pressure to finish reading in a week.
My big productive evening came to naught. I didn't get nearly enough reading done, and am doubting my ability to catch up in time now. I wouldn't feel so bad if I had done anything else of value with this evening, but that was not true either. Suffice it to say, I'm feeling blue at having lost a night on mostly nothing.
I also blame Star Trek for being vaguely addicting, and occasionally coming up with a good episode when you don't expect it, and decide to 'just watch the opening to see if it is a good episode.'
On the brighter side, my house guests are gone, and I barely saw them today. House officially cleaned up and back in order. I must admit, I didn't realize the depths of my neuroses, or how quickly they snuck up on me. Definitely something to ponder later, and eventually get over.
I think I just wish I was able to concentrate on things better, and not procrastinate so much. This has always been a problem for me, and I guess I was just wrong when I thought I was doing better about it. But as soon as pressure sets in, bam, there goes my ability to focus.