PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Previously, on Deadwood...

A meeting of the minds.

* Bullock talking with William about William's dad, very cool.
* "I've been prostrated by the agonies of the damned." -E.B.
* Oh Jane. Oh, oh Jane.
* E.B. -> investigative genius.
* Charlie Utter, the tragic hero.
* Ellsworth and Trixie, fantastic.
* "Biddin's open always on everyone. Ms. Isringhausen." -Al
* Dan 'negotiating' with the Russian.
* Hmmm, who'd be a good babysitter? Tom Nuttal!
* Trixie the whore! "Huzzah!"
* WHat was going on with Steve and William?
* Oooh, the signing/hose/trampling!
Tags: tv

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