As pointed out elsewhere, this was a pretty messed-up episode.
* Sofie in guy's clothes = hott.
* Mmmm, salt.
* Babylon! And furthermore, !!
* Burning snakes and tarot cards. THat musta smelled peachy.
* Le Passeur, huh.
* Wait, he's just asking for directions to the Crone? It can't be that easy.
* Now I will have "Me and my Shadow" stuck in my head.
* So. What's Stumpy up to?
* C'mon, Ben, it's not like papers labelled 'Artificial Human Eyes' just fall off trees.
* What's with the crazed hobos? Did he wander into Wrong Turn?
* OK, Gabe, I'm pretty sure it's dead now.
* Hanged Man much?
* "She's been waiting for you."
* Lodz! You scamp!
* OK, radio dial turning on its own, eep.
More later, possibly. Man, that episode felt about twenty minutes long.