Currently, I'm scheduled to work Christmas *and* New Year's Day. Let me explain how excited this makes me.
Thrilling Two-Fisted Tales of Commuters Observed:
Oh, this one is easy today. Right after I got on the Orange Line train today, a pack of five or so *young* college students hopped on right before the doors closed, and proceeded to, and I am not making this up, pass out LaRouche literature to anyone who would take it (virtually no one, of course) and sing some Christmas carol, but with the words changed to talk about the failing bank system. At the next stop, they were gone, moved on to the next car up the train. It went by so fast, and was so surreal and annoying, there was actually a moment where I wondered if I imagined the whole thing.
And no, I didn't get in an argument with them, though I wanted to. They were just to, er, energetic and happy. Poor brainwashed students.