PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Great read #1: Frank Rich on the great indecency hoax.

Great read #2: Why Thomas Friedman wants to be reincarnated as Tom DeLay.

Two more top CIA officials quit.

* Turns out the 2004 election still isn't over.
* This just in: more corporate PACs give money to Republicans than Democrats.
* Faced with unemployment, terrorism, and a stagnant economy, thousands of Russians leave Israel.
* A rule change in Oregon will dramatically affect the landscape.
* Girl survives rabies without vaccine.
* Howzabout an magnetic anti-radiation force field?
* Couple turns a firehouse into their dream house.

The big business in family movies.

  • huh

    "The problem for a terrorist group like Al Qaeda is that its recruitment pool is Muslims, but most Muslims are not interested in terrorism. Most…

  • today's good read

    "It’s Time for Black Liberation, Not Liberalism."

  • (no subject)

    What lead to the death of the enclosed mall as a concept?

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