PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

"President Bush has acknowledged that months before Congress voted an Iraq war resolution in October 2002, he approved about 30 projects in Kuwait that helped set the stage for war, with 'no real knowledge or involvement' of Congress..."

What are we paying the House for again?

Getting creative in the marketing of feminine hygiene products.

* Looking inside the secret world of interrogation.
* More evidence of widespread abuses in Iraq.
* Howard Kurtz, on how this scandal isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
* World Opinion Roundup, on how this looks overseas. And it isn't pretty.
* BBC Q&A on the abuse charges.

* Say what you will, war means jobs. And a perpetual war, in a recession...
* The world's poor are paying the price tag of the war on terror.
* Judge orders couple not to have children. Which I am pretty sure is unconstitutional. (Courtesy Dona Quixote.)
* Courtesy marag, the roller coaster ride of infertitlity treatments and the stress it puts the couple through.
* Tracking diseases years before they strike.
* Why is Dali still so popular after all these years?

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  • on the end of Serial season one

    "But the real pull of the show wasn't the promise of solving the mystery, it was seeing just how thick and convoluted the mystery became. Listening…

  • today's top read

    "I don't know what to do with good white people."

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    Zen Pencils takes on "Ozymandis."