Amnesty gets reports out of the Sudan, and it isn't good news.
New prison at Guantanamo is a symbol of the problems of declaring a war on a concept.
Legislation takes a back seat to worst-ever Senate partisanship.
"Why don't we just go home... rather than go through this charade of telling Americans that we are legislating?"
-Sen. John McCain
* The spy game has changed since 9/11.
* Supreme Court starts writing the definition of our government.
* This is what the Homeland Security Department counts as a 'success.'
* Goody, food prices on the rise.
* David Brooks on the flourishing of 'sexual marketplaces,' and how 'hooking up' is replacing marriage.
* Montgomery county considers dropping its GPA requirement to compete in sports. The lofty requirement? 2.0.
* Congress wants solid numbers from NASA before funding Bush's space initiative.