Promo pic from next season Justice League Unlimited:
(No, I don't know why Green Arrow is flying. I think that's just artistic license.)
Click here for more info on Cartoon Network's 2004 plans. X-Men: Evolution officially not renewed, sigh.
Lion's Gate is working on movies for Iron Fist, Black Widow, and Punisher 2.
Oooh, and Robert Rodriguez is now signed to direct a Sin City movie, keen, keen. And Rodriguez says Miller *will* be involved in the production, sweet.
Whoah. Director Bryan Singer and the writing team from X2 will be writing Ultimate X-Men for a year. Click here for more on that, plus a couple comments from Joss Whedon on the X-men book *he'll* be writing.
Impressive amount of painting done today (for me, that is.) Soon, showering before kara-oke.