Awesome: Doonesbury creator Gary Trudeau offers $10,000 for anyone who can verify Bush's Guard service.
Must read: Kristof takes on hypocrisy in the Mideast.
Near miss from a 30m meteor last month almost prompted a call to the President.
BBC section: what the world thinks of God.
Good BBC Q&A on the Guantanamo detainees.
* Greenspan wants to cut social security benefits to pay for Bush's deficit.
* UK goes over anti-terrorist options.
* Supreme Court rules states can bar public funds going to religious education.
* WP analysis of why Bush moved now on the gay marriage ban. The NYTimes has its own analysis as well. Here's a good NYTimes editorial too.
* Court rules government doesn't have to explain why an immigrant lost five months of his life.
* Italy bans artificial procreation help for gay families.
* CSM article on the US's too-high prison population. (Courtesy Dona Quixote.)
* High tech criminals, low tech crimes.
* Meanwhile, Europeans go comet-hunting.
* Reality TV, the bastion of stereotypes.
* Excellent NYTimes review of Gibson's Passion.
This just in: Andy Rooney is awesome.