Also, 20 years ago in 1984, Soviet leader Yuri Andropov died at age 69, less than 15 months after succeeding Leonid Brezhnev; he was succeeded by Konstantin Chernenko.
One of Putin's challengers disappears.
Part 3 of the BBC's Age of Empire series: the military and pre-emptive strikes.
* Bush seems to think we'll add over two and a half million jobs this year.
* Two Israeli human rights group bring the wall to court.
* Bush unveils new (overt) plan for democracy in the Middle East.
* Five steps to better spying. (Note the author's credentials.)
* Bob Herbert wants an end to the president's fantasies.
* Social-networking sites like Friendster strive to turn a profit.
* What about those other acts from when the Beatles played Ed Sullivan? (Courtesy Magistrate.)
THIS JUST IN: How about an MP3 player for your AK-47? (Courtesy Baroness.)