PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

The author of Wrestlecrap gives us his long-awaited essay on the XFL.

Last night, hung out with Operative X. A fine dinner at Du Claw (peppered tuna sammich = tasty) was followed by discount CDs and cassettes at FYE. Bless their cold black hearts. After some indecisiveness about which movie to see (this may sound familiar) we hiked it back to her place (after some minor ice-slippage in the parking lot) and watched Terminator 3. I hadn't seen it before, and it was better than I expected. It can't fully live up to its predecessors, of course, but is still worth seeing, and a damn fine ending, I say. And, funny seeing the kid from Carnivale fighting robots. Thereafter, some discussion of comic books and socialism (no, really) while I sobered up.

(Oh, the other amusing note: we get back to her place, and I pull in the [very sloped] driveway. I put on the emergency break, but the car starts sliding backwards anyways. !!! It was wacky.)

Tonight: steak? Smallville and Angel!

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