Must read: how the Secret Service is quashing First Amendment rights to protest President Bush. (Courtesy JubJub.)
The other must-read: White House insider compares the estate tax to the Holocaust. No, really.
* That whole code orange thing? Turns out they were looking for dirty bombs.Thanks for the warning, guys.
* India and Pakistan to hold peace talks. Fingers crossed.
* Iran considers moving its capital.
* Iraqi weapons, only theoretical.
* The Supreme Court's ruling on the war on terrorism has a huge impact on the place of the judiciary as a check and balance against the executive branch.
* Ah yes, Egypt, one of our other allies in the war to spread democracy.
* Robert Rubin is now warning about vast economic problems on the horizon. And the biggest problem remains the Boomers' time bomb.
* More top officials leave the EPA.
* Clark names numbers.
* Debunking the neocon conspiracy.
* Climate changes could drive over a million species to extinction within 50 years.
* Elves and wizards crush captains and samurai. [Interesting highlights: attendance was down this year, for the first time since 1991. Disney had the largest take, with a 17% market share.]
Side note: I've created a new custom-group for mailing out old, archived (amusing) mush logs. If you're not on it (i.e., you didn't get the one I posted yesterday) and you want to be, drop me a line.