Good basic article on interpreting polls.
Family Guy may return to TV with new episodes. (Courtesy Georgia.) Go Cartoon Network!
* Whoah. First human receives ebola shot. (Courtesy Operative X.)
* This is Republican financial restraint? Some scary numbers here.
* China threatens use of force in Taiwan, and then claims the US is violating free trade. Whuf.
* State recognition of same-sex marriage may be put to the test. And it will, of course, be a big election issue now.
* Safety in Iraq not as easy as it sounds, especially for the election year.
* Turns out, not many foreign fighters in Iraq.
* Maybe Bush should skip a few fundraisers to attend a few funerals?
* Girls suspended for kissing in school. (Courtesy Dona Quixote.)
* Schwarzenegger unveils details of his plan for California, and people aren't happy.
* Man, Perot was really wrong about NAFTA.
* The death of a president and the birth of a medium.