PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Pakistan, neo-Nazis, and shooting bias

* The IMF reports austerity measures are a great way to tank a country's economy.
* Pakistani clerics move to support Malala Yousafzai.
* Waiting for the end of war in Afghanistan.
* Tracking the rise of neo-Nazi groups in Germany.
* The veep debate in four pictures.
* "Research suggests that there is a bias for white people to shoot unarmed black suspects more often than unarmed white suspects."
* Good read: outing an online troll from Reddit.

Tags: 2012, news

  • huh

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  • today's good read

    "It’s Time for Black Liberation, Not Liberalism."

  • (no subject)

    What lead to the death of the enclosed mall as a concept?

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