PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

can't stop the signal

"For all the grim news about the economy and jobs over the last few years, one indicator of the quality of life in the United States has stubbornly continued to improve. The latest Federal Bureau of Investigation data suggests crime rates went on falling through the first half of 2011, recession be damned. In 1991, the overall national violent crime rate reported by the FBI was 758 cases per 100,000 inhabitants; by 2010, that had dropped to 404 per 100,000. The murder and 'nonnegligent homicide' rate dropped by more than half over the same period. You wouldn't know it from watching television - beyond the continuing conviction that 'if it bleeds it leads' on local news, the number of violent acts on prime-time TV shows climbs ever-upward. But that rise in fake violence may have played some role in the real-life trend heading squarely the other way."

Tags: 2012, news, science!, tv

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