PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Happy birthday Pickett!

Hmmm. Other than RenFest, is there anything going on tonight or this weekend?

* Red Cross comdemns our prison camps at Guantanamo.
* Iranian woman wins Nobel Peace Prize. (But I am sure it will be called a political move.) (And sekritly, I was kinda pushing for Vaclev Havel.)
* Slanted but interesting article on political trends in America.
* Paul Krugman, on how it's hard to be honest *and* polite about the administration.
* Cisco and IBM to team up and create software standards for networking.
* Regents propose more tuition hikes at U-Md.

  • huh

    "The problem for a terrorist group like Al Qaeda is that its recruitment pool is Muslims, but most Muslims are not interested in terrorism. Most…

  • today's good read

    "It’s Time for Black Liberation, Not Liberalism."

  • (no subject)

    What lead to the death of the enclosed mall as a concept?

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