PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

The post-Iraq era, Brazil, and writing an ending

* "No president has ever relied so extensively on the secret killing of individuals to advance the nation's security goals."
* "The 10 big takeaways from America's adventure in Iraq are also clues to its uncertain future."
* The income gap between Congress and its constituents is at an all-time high, and growing.
* Making the case that, yes, this is one of the worst Congresses ever.
* Brazil now the sixth largest economy in the world.
* "In three key political arenas Republicans have left a checkered record in the past year."
* Wow. Details emerge on the Anonymous Stratfor hack.
* Are modern authors just bad at coming up with endings?
* "Cheetah," the chimpanzee who starred in the Weissmuller Tarzan films, passed away.

Tags: 2011, movies, news, welcome to america

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