PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Pakistan, conspiracy theory, and All Things Considered

* "The fact is, al-Qaeda had already been effectively marginalized within the mainstream of the Arab world long before bin Laden died." Marc Lynch on the effect on Islamist politics.
* "Can the Pakistani government's web of deceit survive the death of Osama bin Laden?"
* Alberta deals with its largest oil spill in decades.
* Yes, the first Republican presidental debate is tonight. Such as it is. Nate Silver gives us the numbers on who will make a run for it.
* "The Proofer discussion is a real signal of how much conspiracy thinking has permeated the culture."
* "Ten ways that the Birthers are an object lesson in white privilege."
* Deciphering how bonobos communicate.
* All Things Considered turns 40.

Tags: 2011, easy sell, news, quotes, science!

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