PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

FOIA, Ugandan genocide, and Glenn Beck

* Devalued homes make job-seekers less likely to move.
* Gallery: five years after Hurricane Katrina.
* Good read: 'How to leave Afghanistan without losing.'
* What's in store at Glenn Beck's rally. Also, how it will be a measure of the Tea Party's strength.
* "It was a very chilling moment, because I'm sitting there with this man who's talking about his plans for genocide."
* Evidence of the White House politicizing FOIA requests.
* Fact-checking Boehner's economic speech.
* Interesting. Five countries willing to take the unwanted stuff no other country wants.
* Noted anime director Satoshi Kon passed away, as did 'the Star Hustler' Jack Horkheimer.

Tags: 2010, movies, news, tv, welcome to america

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