Today's top headline - North Korea Unleashes a New Weapon: Cheerleaders.
Also, Al Franken defeats FOX News.
* Who should we turn to, to help rebuild Iraq? oooh, I know: Saddam's spies! Wait.
* Thomas Friedman notes that it's a good sign that terrorists are flocking to stop us in Iraq.
* Iraq starting to resemble Beruit back in the day.
* James Bennet discusses the illusion of progress in the Middle East.
* Wall Street wants stronger indications that the federal deficit will be addressed, 'cause they ain't seeing it either.
* Students struggle to finish at public universities, as budgets force classes to be cut.
* Internet death pacts in Japan.
* Rumsfeld still wants to reshape the military, so it won't have to expand. And ooh boy, more privatizing! Go Big Business!
* Congress may authorize research to compare top drugs.
* New high-tech identity technologies on the way for travelers.
* Recalling the 1921 recall of the governor in North Dakota.
* Bush administration working hard to repeal parts of the Clean Air act.
* Chief Justice Moore suspended over Ten Commandments protest. Haw haw. I hope they fire his ass.
* Maureen Dowd on the political search for real men.
* MS Windows: insecure by design.
* HBO and Soderbergh take on lobbying in a new documentary show.