PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Well, things turned out just fine last night. After some exciting telephone tag and other abortive attempts at getting this party started, I managed to catch up with the birthday girl JubJub at her new pad in NoVA, we grabbed an (obviously) late dinner at the Italian place with her roommate, and then watched The Transporter (which is still good fun) followed by an episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (which had *the most brutal* back-waxing I have ever seen on television.) So, much later than I wanted, and I didn't get to hang out much, but it's a step in the right direction.

* Courtesy Operative X, more awesome news on nature and science in action!
* Oh, and Idi Amin passed away.
* And the lights are back on, but the source remains a mystery. Meanwhile, Canadians showed aplomb. Which is a fun word to say. Aplomb.

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