PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Planet War and Lesbian Panic

* Great read: 'we can't wish away climate change.'
* More evidence that the Democrats don't actually want the public option. (Bonus: on the reconciliation issue.)
* Gallery: Planet War: images from conflicts around the world.
* Interesting: wasn't the EU supposed to revitalize Europe?
* Good read: Nate Silver compares the coming 2010 electoral possibilities to 1994.
* The lost tribe of Israel found in Zimbabwe.
* Greta Christina on the lack of male sex writers.
* Today's best headline: 'Lesbian panic shuts down Mississippi high-school prom' (Bonus: ACLU sues!)
* The big Oscars question: did increasing the number of best picture nominees help?

Tags: 2010, movies, news

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