PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Interventionism, dark matter, and Sakkara

"I'm struck by the inability of most Americans to connect the continued risk of global terrorism with America's highly interventionist global policy. One can have a serious debate about whether that policy is the right one or not; my point is that we are kidding ourselves if we think we can behave this way and remain immune from any adverse consequences."

* Currency woes in North Korea.
* Quietly, and without real resolution, Darfur approaches an equilibrium.
* On daily life in Yemen.
* Increased use of drones in Afghanistan leaves the military a vast amount of data to sort.
* Scientists push to end mountaintop mining.
* "Scientists have mapped the shape of the dark matter that is surrounding our home galaxy."
* "Archaeologists in Egypt have said they have discovered the largest known tomb in the ancient necropolis of Sakkara."
* Handicapping the summer blockbusters.

Tags: 2010, easy sell, movies, news, science!

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