PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

'New Age meets heavy metal meets Virgin of Guadalupe'

"The devotion to Santa Muerte rattles many, even in Mexico. She is widely and purposefully misunderstood. The media focus on the lurid cult as a sign of the country's descent into new-millennial madness, a perfect partner for a danza macabra, played out against the backdrop of a modern plague - the drug war - and its obsessions with body counts and ritualized decapitation. The Catholic Church has rejected the cult, calling it demonic, and the Mexican military has swept across the border region, destroying roadside shrines built in the saint's honor. The authorities have condemned Santa Muerte as a 'narco-saint,' worshiped by drug traffickers, cartel assassins and dope slingers. But the worship is more a reflection of contemporary Mexico..."

Tags: easy sell, news

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