Sunday, lemonruss came by with my (very early) birthday present: the expansion to Pandemic! The three of us were joined by our housemate, and we boardgamed and grilled. Big fun. The expansion is great, definitely ratchets up the challenges in the game, and adds a lot of options.
Monday, housework, lawnmowing, and TF2 while M. worked. Also worked on basing and assembling some minis. Maybe a little Doctor Who.
Yesterday, picked up U-Haul, picked up Z., trekked out to NoVA. Picked up giant, giant TV set. Had a delicious dinner with friends, chatted about wedding plans and other things. Thanked them again profusely, trekked back east. TV dropped off after some unfun physical labor. U-Haul returned. Whew.
Tonight, hanging with Z. Tomorrow, no clue. Maybe sleeping. Friday, finally hooking up TV. Saturday, party? I think? Sunday, Z. Busy like a bug.