PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Shrinking river deltas, power shortages, and state secrets

* Water on the moon!
* "Most of the world's major river deltas are sinking, increasing the flood risk faced by hundreds of millions of people."
* "Electricity use from power-hungry gadgets is rising fast all over the world."
* Three different takes on the new White House state secrets policy, from Michael Scherer, Ed Brayton, and Glen Greenwald.
* Detroit is dead. Long live Detroit?
* Promising findings in testing a new AIDS vaccine.
* Whoah. 'Huge Anglo-Saxon gold hoard found.' (Courtesy multiplexer.) (UPDATE: gallery!)
* Today's headline: "Commentary: Why I fist-bumped the Dalai Lama"
* Hollywood looks for a new business model and a new direction.

Tags: 2009, movies, news, science!, welcome to america

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