PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Spies, journalism, and Colbert

* Another reason Stephen Colbert rules: reminding us about, you know, Iraq.
* Welcome to America: if the journalism business fails, who will pay for journalism?
* "If the United States wants to listen to the world, maybe it should start by watching first."
* Backlash over Obama's flip-flop on "don't ask, don't tell."
* The economic benefits to legalizing gay marriage.
* New world order: Shanghai hosts a gay festival!
* Interesting: Iran's 'marriage crisis'
* Inside North Korea's prisons.
* "The case of Karl-Heinz Kurras has all the ingredients of a Cold War spy thriller."
* The Explainer, on why the color green so important in the Muslim world?
* "Just 10% of Twitter users generate more than 90% of the content."

Tags: 2009, news, quotes, welcome to america

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