PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

War hawks, Roman catacombs, and a famous nipple

* "In fact, it's hard to find a part of Pakistan where there isn't (a) a separatist movement or (b) Islamic extremists involved in terror attacks."
* Interesting: when being a war hawk becomes treasonous.
* Retreating from reforming 'don't ask, don't tell.'
* Howard Kurtz on the media reaction to the Specter defection.
* Jay Newton-Small on Republican efforts to revamp their party. Bonus coverage by Chris Cillizza.
* Good read: "All the talk about the permanent marginalization of the Republican Party is silly. It will be back. Someday. But first it will have to stop fooling itself and re-engage with the real world."
* Whoah! Reviewing the case against Janet Jackson's nipple.
* Ooh. 'Shedding light on the Catacombs of Rome.'
* When did the model become more important than the clothes?
* Jack Kemp passed away.

Tags: 2009, news

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