* Last week: "All clear."
* Mr. Bennet examining the body. "I never did catch how you pulled it off."
* "It is our duty to unite the two Matt Parkmans." -Hiro
* "What they did to Daphne was protocol." -Matt
* "I'm not going to kill him. I'm going to destroy him." -Sylar
* Coyote Sands. Twenty years ago.
* "It's time everyone knew the truth." -Angela
* "Who's going to pick up two Japanese guys and a baby?" -Ando
* Matt, spreading paranoia. Creepy, yet efficient.
* "You're a liar and a betrayer." -Mrs. Bennet
* Oh, Sylar, you scamp.
* "Look, I'm sorry for all of y'all's troubles, but what say we try moving yer magic baby the hell away from my truck?" -Sam Douglas, who is awesome
* And, signature's don't match.
Alena: He loves me.
Matt: You know what? The sick thing is, he probably does.
* "Ando, make the face!" -Hiro
* Abandoned research facility. 1960's. Operation Icarus, which is a terrible choice of names.
* Interesting parallel between Sylar working to split up the Bennets, and Parkman breaking up Danko and his girlfriend.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This is what he's done to us. In his world, there's no room for mercy." -Matt
* "Oh. Close one." -Hiro
* So Hiro basically needs to carry around a handtruck to save people with his timestops now, in case there's not a wheelbarrow or office chair nearby.
* "No? Are you surprised now?!" -
* "How dumb are you? How did you think it was going to end?!"
* "Matt Parkman? Meet Matt Parkman." -Hiro
* And, Mr. Bennet's gone rogue.
* Spit out the bullet! Hardcore.
* "This is where our story really begins." -Angela
* "You want answers? Then you have to dig."
* "I knew... all of them."
Only three episodes left!