* Last week: "This of the Island like a record..."
* "Wherever John went, he's gone." -Juliet
* ZOMG STATUE. (Anubis?)
* Locke's at the wheel. Notice that they went out of their way to not show Christian during the scene.
* Flash... and the well is full.
* "My headache is gone." -Juliet
* Three years later.
* Jerry, Rosie (with her Geronimo Jackson shirt), and Phil. Phil being the Waffle Nazi, and the guy who tells the creepy story in Mulholland Dr.
* "Is that a Hostile?"
* Mr. LaFleur, Head of Security. (With star logo. New sheriff in town, indeed.)
* Enis! Zapper?
* Fearless leader blowing up trees, heh. Amy? Giving birth!
* Three years earlier.
* Charlotte's body didn't travel. (But the rope did, I note.) "She moved on, and we stayed."
* Hee, Miles.
* Shots. "It doesn't matter what we do. Whatever happened, happened."
* 70's or 80's!
* "We have to bury them! The truce... oh God."
* And they have to bring Paul's body back.
* "I'm a professional. I used to lie for a living." -Sawyer
* Earplugs, clever.
* Hmmm, and a wrench logo. At the motorpool. Methinks they weren't as important as we were giving them credit before.
* Juliet the mechanic.
* "We finished grid 1 through 3 today. No sign of our people." -Jin
* "It's a boy." Whoah.
* "How's your head?" -Horace
* "There are hostile indigenous people on this island, and we don't get along with them." -Horace
* Sending them home on the sub! "You are not Dharma material."
* "The record is spinning again. We're just not on the song we want to be on." -Daniel
* Alarm. Torch. Richard!
* "That fence may keep other things out, but not us." -Richard
* "If you're not a member of the Dharma Initiative, then what are you?" -Richard
* "And then what?" -Juliet
* 1974!
* "But now I barely remember what she looks like." -Sawyer
* ...And, the Oceanic
Loved the sleight of hand with the three years earlier/later. Add in Horace, Phil, and the flippin' statue and I'm sold.
And what, precisely, are the pylons supposed to keep out.