PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

a bad dream that won't go away

"...Every American should take note of the incredible neo-Orwellian, near-totalitarian powers that President Bush's Justice Department granted the White House in the days after September 11, according to new memos that were released Monday. They are certainly not based on a 'conservative' limited government reading of the constitution. They are, by almost every account, of doubtful constitutional merit. And if we wish to continue to teach our children that freedom and liberty are the bedrock of the American form of government, we should as citizens take care to make sure they do not become a precedent for future Presidents to use in responding to attacks on the homeland."

Tags: news, not right, welcome to america

  • huh

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  • (no subject)

    What lead to the death of the enclosed mall as a concept?

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