PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

quiet couple of days

Hit the Metro to pick up Z. around 10 this morning, and wow. There was heavier-than-rush-hour traffic at Shady Grove on Monday mid-morning. Like, lines for all the farecard machines. This is madness. My only dream is that I could convince all these tourists, when leaving our fine city, to give me their unused money from their SmarTrip cards. They won't be using them anymore!

Z. cracked up the cab driver when she mentioned, sadly, that the Ravens lost yesterday. We both agreed we could cheer for the Cardinals in the Super Bowl, though. Might host a 'we only sort of care about the' Super Bowl party here, since we'll have the munchkin that day anyways.

So, yes. We have Z. here tomorrow and Tuesday, no big plans other than holing up and not going downtown. Will be watching the inauguration tomorrow, maybe making a baking soda volcano at the same time. We shall see.

Tags: 2009, bebe, not news

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