Last night, saw Thirteen Conversations About One Thing which was better than expected. There needs to be a sub-genre for 'intersecting short story movies' at some point. Anyways, great acting, a very even tone over the whole thing, and pretty remarkable character focus made this one work quite well.
40k note: assembled my Basilisk for priming in one day! Record for me.
Diablo 2 tale of almost-woe! In hardcore, I just killed Duriel. If you've heard me bitch about this before, you know I find him to be the hardest boss in the game, hands down. So I got him, whew, and then, I lose my connection to the server *before I even make it to talk to the angel*! AUGH! Get back in, run over there, DROPPED AGAIN. Yeesh. After a few tries (it's a long run without portals) I finally get the quest completed. But man, angry.
Anyways, tonight, Goblin and Decore over for Heroclix. w00t.
* The income of the 400 wealthiest taxpayers grew steadily in the years 1992 to 2000, while their tax burden plummeted.
* State department disagreed with intel analysis assessment of mobile weapons labs. Quite an interesting rift in the government we have here.
* Hussein's influence remains strong, as Iraq remains an essentially lawless state.
* China and India trying to work problems out, which is great news, except for Tibet.
* Big media remained notoriously silent on the FCC's attempts to reshape media ownership.
* Neat. The first internet primary. (Though, being run by a pretty biased group, at least it's getting attention on this as a viable strategy.)