PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

a couple reads

"Mr. Bush pointed with pride to his record at a conference sponsored by the Cincinnati chapter of the Federalist Society, the elite network for the conservative legal movement. He noted that he had appointed more than a third of the federal judiciary expected to be serving when he leaves office, a lifetime-tenured force that will influence society for decades and that represents one of his most enduring accomplishments. While a two-term president typically leaves his stamp on the appeals courts — Bill Clinton appointed 65 judges, Mr. Bush 61 - Mr. Bush's judges were among the youngest ever nominated and are poised to have an unusually strong impact."

Howard Kurtz: "Imagine that the polls were reversed and Barack Obama was seen as a long shot to win next Tuesday."

Wave of the future: the Christian Science Monitor will sack its print edition.

The AV Club interviews John Hodgman.

Tags: news, tv, two-fisted tales

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