PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Quick note, my sister had her sonogram today, and will be having a boy. Now, time to start lobbying for names.

* Well, duh #1: Bush won't consult Dem's on Supreme Court nominees.
* Well, duh #2: Well, at least CEOs aren't hurting for money despite the economy
* Well, duh #3: Charter schools not showing to be better than regular ones.
* Well, duh #4: White House edits out bad news in EPA report.
* Innocent civilians harmed by false terrorism reports.
* FBI facing growing pains as it looks for its new role.
* Social policy changes show Canada becoming more European (but in a good way.)
* Study reports mental games may deter Alzheimer's.
* Hispanics now officially the nation's largest minority.
* Tom Cruise lobbying the White House? (courtesy Operative X.)

Fortune Cookie: "Keep up the good work. You will be rewarded."
CD playing: U2, "All I Want Is You"

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